
Chemgineering Technology GmbH


Chemgineeering International GmbH
EURO PLAZA 2E, Technologiestraße 10, 1120 Wien


Plant engineering and consulting in a GxP-regulated environment.

Employees at EURO PLAZA


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Viable solutions for life sciences

Economical and GxP-compliant?

It’s possible – with fresh ideas from us. Chemgineering is your partner for plant engineering and consulting in a GxP-regulated environment. With more than 20 years of experience, we are seasoned life sciences professionals, while also still being open enough for new ideas. We are GxP experts who ensure not only that productivity is at the right level, but also that you can enjoy peace of mind when it comes to official inspections. Chemgineering accompanies you throughout your plant’s lifecycle, and coordinates all the trades that you need for the end-to-end realization of your project.

No matter what challenge arises, we have the right solution to meet your needs.

Location at EURO PLAZA

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