TAKEDA Pharma Ges.m.b.H
EURO PLAZA 3, Technologiestrasse 5, 1120 Vienna
Sales of pharmaceutical products
What can we do for our patients?
Everything at Takeda starts with this question.
Takeda is a patient-centric, innovative, international pharmaceutical company with over 235 years of successful history. It is our goal to provide people around the world with better health and a better future.
Takeda is represented in more than 70 countries. The company focuses on oncology and gastroenterology including IBD (Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis), diseases of the central nervous system and vaccines.
Since 1995 Takeda has been based in Vienna from where it has been managing activities for the Austrian market. As part of a global manufacturing network, the company operates a research and production facility in Linz which generates over 500 million EUR in annual sales, 90% of it in export.